Clarity Index

A 20/20 Vision for the Future of Philanthropy

To have 20/20 vision is to see what is in front of us with clarity and ease. However, 20/20 vision only refers to each individual eye. If the left one sees clearly, while the right one is blurred, we cannot fully see what is in front of us.

Our vision for a better world also requires that both the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors see with the same power and focus. Only then can this vision be realized. The Clarity Index will measure through a realistic lens if both sectors are communicating well enough to have their shared visions come to fruition.

The Clarity Index is a year-end survey conducted by the nonprofit sector that ranks the messaging of philanthropic institutions. The survey will coincide with the release of a report that examines the findings of the survey in more detail. From requests for proposals (RFPs) to messaging on websites, this report will show if institutional philanthropy is as clear in its mission and objectives as it expects the nonprofit sector to be.

According to the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), what nonprofits want from the philanthropic sector more than anything is proof that donors understand the needs of the communities they wish to support. Although this sentiment has been repeated by both sides, there are still very few examples of significant shifts towards a more balanced accountability. If implemented, the Clarity Index would be one of the largest power shifts ever to hit the sector. Nonprofit leaders would now have tangible power in shaping how donors engage with them.

The Clarity Index was crafted with the same considerations for the time and bandwidth of nonprofit staff as those that went into the creation of Clarity Fund. The surveys would be conducted in a manner that would add as little as a few minutes to the workload of nonprofits. Those from the nonprofit sector who take part in the survey would have a number of options, including one that carries a huge incentive for their participation.

The Clarity Index will allow institutional donors to clearly see where the efficacy and feasibility of their objectives rank amongst the sector responsible for implementing those objectives, without the need for protracted internal strategic reviews or undue impositions upon nonprofit staff.

The Index will focus exclusively on philanthropic institutions that either have an open website or release RFPs to nonprofit organizations. Only feedback from aligned organizations will be considered for acceptance into the survey. Where communication currently exists between donors and nonprofits, the Clarity Index will aim to amplify and improve it with no risk or burden to either side.  

Are you a nonprofit who wants to contribute to the the Clarity Index? See instructions here.